Apple Leather

Apple leather is a type of eco-friendly leather alternative made from apple peel and cores, which are typically discarded as waste. The material is created through a process of grinding and blending the fruit waste into a fine powder, which is then mixed with a binding agent, such as polyurethane, to create a pliable and durable material that can be used in a variety of products.

Pineapple Leather

Piñatex is a non-biodegradable leather alternative made from cellulose fibres extracted from pineapple leaves

Piñatex, the materials we use in our products, are derived from the fibers found in discarded pineapple plant leaves that are typically considered a byproduct of pineapple farming.

Cork Leather

Cork leather is a sustainable and eco-friendly leather alternative made from the bark of the cork oak tree. The cork oak tree is native to the Mediterranean region and has a unique bark that can be harvested every 9-12 years without harming the tree. The bark is stripped from the tree by hand, and the tree then regrows a new layer of bark, making cork a renewable resource.

Coconut Leather

Coconut leather is the latest eco fabric to hit the fashion scene for sustainable leather alternatives.

Coconut leather is a vegan and sustainable leather alternative made from the fibers of coconut husks. The material is created through a process of extracting the long fibers from the husks, which are then washed, sun-dried, and processed into a non-woven mesh. The mesh is then treated with natural latex and finished to create a material that has a leather-like texture and appearance.

CorkCactus Leather

Cactus leather, also known as Nopal leather, is a sustainable and eco-friendly leather alternative made from the prickly pear cactus. The cactus is native to Mexico and is known for its ability to survive in arid conditions, making it a resilient and sustainable crop.