Our Mission

Every morning we wake up and get to work with one goal in mind: to lead and inspire positive change in the fashion industry. In our eyes, “positive change” meansusing cruelty-free materials, methods of production and distribution to create stylish and long-lasting products.

Taking responsibility

We take responsibility for our impact on the well-being of people, animals, and the planet. Making sustainable choices “when possible” is not enough. We integrate a philosophy of sustainability into every aspect of our business.

Indeed, it’s the foundation for every decision we make.

Our sustainability policies revolve around the following key areas:
↳ Organic, recycled or bio-based materials
↳ Supply chain transparency
↳ Fair working conditions
↳ Long-lasting products

The top 10 sustainable facts of Desserto® organic cactus feed-stock?

1. Biodiversity amelioration in the region. 

2. Reverts Land Use Change (LUC).

3. Enrichment of soil micro-flora and micro-fauna through native and typical organic cactus afforestation.

4. Huge savings in water as no irrigation is applied. 

5. Environmental preservation as no chemicals are used like herbicides or pesticides.

6. Cactus is left unharmed to enable repeated harvesting from the same plant. 

7. Energy savings by drying the feed-stock in a solarium. 

8. No cross-industry conflict as the byproduct is directed to the food industry in an increased value form which is more attractive, and stimulates the agricultural sector to plant more cactus. 

9. Full vision and traceability of the farm to ensure sustainable social practices. 

10. Technological enhancements at the fields.

Our 2020/21 Highlights

2020 was no doubt a difficult year for us all, but it also highlighted the fragility of our planet. As a company we are more motivated than ever to be a part of the change and to contribute positively to the planet and people we share it with.

Below we share some of the highlights of our year.


  • Created our sustainability section to the website giving transparency and information on our factory and materials.
  • Hired our first employee to work exclusively on our B Corp certification for 2022
  • Wrote our Code of Ethics, Virtual office stewardship and SAQ for suppliers.
  • Moved all our home offices to 100% renewable energy
  • Wrote our first annual Impact Report


  • Joined 1% for the Planet
  • Became committed to becoming Climate Neutral in 2021
  • Donated 10% of our Black Friday revenue to the Felix Project


  • Introduced Oeko-Tex certified recycled polyester & GOTs certified organic cotton linings
  • Reduced the distance materials travelled to reach our factory.
  • Trialled a new circular technology for 2021 release

Apple Leather

Apple Leather is a low impact, OEKO-TEX certified material crafted using recovered waste from the apple juice and compote industry. Up-cycling the apple waste into functional materials reduces the reliability of fossil fuels and requires much less energy and water to produce, compared to other faux leathers on the market. In addition, Apple Leather creates around 80% less carbon emissions in comparison to leather production.

A Natural Waste Stream

Unlike other bio-based materials, Apple Leather doesn’t require you to plant produce specifically for leather production.

Local Production

Apple farms are close to the factory producing the Apple Leather, reducing the overall carbon impact.

Reduced Impact

Compared with 100% PU alternatives, Apple Leather has a reduced impact in almost every measured category including energy water use and global warming.

OEKO-TEX Certified

This means that the material is free from harmful toxic substances.


Using Apple waste means less reliability on non-renewable fossil fuels. Apple Leather is USDA bio-based certified.

Income for Farmers

Creates an opportunity for farmers to get a second income through the waste produced.